This Saturday, Ukrainians will be able to enjoy the warm spring weather, but on Sunday in some regions are expected rains and fever. The most unstable weather will be in the west and north of the country.
Weather by region
Kiev: Saturday - +3 °… +14 °, a small cloudiness; Sunday - +4 ° ... +11 °, cloudy.
Lviv: Saturday --1 ° ...+14 °, sunny; Sunday - +3 ° ... +9 °, rain.
Lutsk: Saturday - 0 ° ...+13 °, a small cloudiness; Sunday - +3 ° ... +8 °, rain.
Vinnytsia: Saturday - 0 ° ...+14 °, cloudy with clearings; Sunday - +3 ° ... +8 °, cloudy, rain.
Odesa: Saturday - +4 °… +11 °, low cloudy; Sunday - +5 ° ... +9 °, gloomy.
Kharkiv: Saturday - +3 °… +11 °, small cloudiness; Sunday - +4 °… +11 °, cloudy with clearings.
Dnipro: Saturday - +4 °… +13 °, cloudy with clearings; Sunday - +5 °… +12 °, small cloudy.
Simferopol: Saturday - 0 °…+9 °, low cloudy; Sunday - 0 °…+11 °, small cloudy.
Mariupol: Saturday - 0 ° ...+12 °, gloomy; Sunday - 0 ° ...+11 °, cloudless.
Kramatorsk: Saturday - +1 ° ... +11 °, gloomy; Sunday - 0 ° ...+12 °, cloudy with clearings.
Severodonetsk: Saturday - +2 ° ... +11 °, cloudy with clearings; Sunday - 0 ° ...+11 °, gloomy.
On Saturday, the weather will please the heat - in many regions the air will warm up to +14 °. It will be cool at night, especially in the west of the country. On Sunday, the cold front will come to Ukraine, bringing cold and rain in the western and northern regions. No significant rainfall is expected in the south and east.