There are no prerequisites for hurricanes in Ukraine, and information about possible catastrophic weather phenomena is fake. This was stated by a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center Natalia Ptukh on Telurachone on Tuesday.
According to the bird, hurricanes are natural phenomena that are not characteristic of our country because of its geographical location and insufficient wind speed in the plain territories. Ukraine has no conditions under which real hurricanes could arise, as in the tropical regions.
“Any reports of possible hurricanes in Ukraine are misinformation. We see a strong wind, sometimes storm gusts, but these are not at all those phenomena that can be classified as hurricanes, ”the spokeswoman of the Ukrhydromet Center explained.
For several weeks, we have seen that information from unreliable sources is often appeared. Let's say so, some amateurs try to understand the calculated models that are in open sources and try to give some analysis. We have heard about the dirty cloud and a hurricane. That is, these journalists, unfortunately, are irresponsible to the information they publish, and I believe that at this time, which we now have when the information space and so overloaded with stress news, make such publications with loud headlines that are not really true or very exaggerated
According to the bird, hurricanes are not characteristic of Ukraine, because their occurrence requires wind speeds of more than 32 m/s, which is practically not observed in the plain territories of the country.
We once again urge that citizens do not take information from unreliable sources, always relied on official forecasts from the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, since official warning can only be released by the Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine
She also stressed that changes in the synoptic processes in Ukraine, according to her, are really taking place, but these are standard changes that do not pose a serious danger.