#graduate students

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The Ministry of Education plans to introduce an intermediate exam for students and postgraduates in order to reduce the postponement of mobilization

The Ministry of Education actually confirmed the idea of ​​introducing an intermediate exam for students and postgraduates, which is aimed at reducing the number of people who use a postponement from...


The owners of eight apartments were fined in Lviv for replacing historical windows

Owners of apartments in the historical part of Lviv received penalties for ...

The head of the Zhuliani Kiev Airport fled to Spain 9 days before the full -scale invasion

9 days before the start of a full -scale invasion of the Chairman of the Council ...

As in Kyiv "guarded" transportation for 107 million

In the capital of Ukraine, a large -scale corruption scheme could be operated ...

The most favorite holidays of Ukrainians are research

Despite difficult times, traditional religious holidays - Christmas and ...