#Businessman Pavlyuchenko

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Super-Mama handed over to the prosecutor: the luxurious life of the Deputy Head of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office became the subject of investigation

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
The General Inspectorate of the Prosecutor General's Office started checking the deputy head of the specialized ...

As in Kyiv "guarded" transportation for 107 million

In the capital of Ukraine, a large -scale corruption scheme could be operated ...

KP “Special Zhitlofund” in the center of corruption scandal: new details about financial fraud

Special Zhitlofund Municipal Enterprise, which plays a key role in distribution ...

Komarnitsky businessman fled and his people in Kiev remain unpunished

Scandalous businessman and unofficial "watch" for Kiev Denis Komarnitsky ...