The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved 22 scientific projects that will be implemented by state order in key areas: defense, medicine, energy, ecology and digitalization. To implement these...
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to allocate an additional 5 billion hryvnias from the reserve fund of the state budget for the implementation of the "Winter is Support" program. This was reported by...
In Kyiv during 2024, more than 230,000 drivers received fines for violating parking rules. These fines brought 74.1 million hryvnias to the city budget...
In Ukraine, the problem of corruption has worsened again, this time in the Kyiv City State Administration itself. According to the information of the law enforcement officers, Deputy Chairman of the KMDA Kostyantyn Usov, through his...
The International Monetary Fund published a forecast in which it expressed fears about the possible prolongation of the war in Ukraine until the middle of 2026. This is expected in a negative scenario...