The winter season is traditionally accompanied by an increase in prices for certain categories of products, especially those that are not produced in the cold season, but are stored in warehouses. On...
The Ukrainian government is initiating a new approach to ensuring the availability of medicines to the population. According to the plans of the Ministry of Health, pharmacies will be required to keep the cheapest ...
Despite the great excitement surrounding the opening of the agricultural land market in Ukraine, the data for 3.5 years after the moratorium was lifted do not confirm the expected boom in sales. WITH...
In Ukraine, garlic prices reached a record, exceeding the mark of 200 hryvnias per kilogram. And this is not just a temporary price increase — experts predict that...
ARMA detectives reported the discovery of a large-scale scheme of embezzlement of budget funds allocated for road repair. Damages caused to the state are estimated at 1.4 billion hryvnias. According to...