Energy-Service Company "Esko-Pivnich" LLC, which is part of the Burisma Group and belongs to gas oligarch Mykola Zlochevskyi, disappeared from the tax evasion case....
In the conditions of a significant decrease in economic assistance from Western partners, the Cabinet of Ministers is looking for additional sources of filling the state budget. Back in the summer of last year, information appeared that the government was preparing...
Our source in the OP said that the President's Office agreed with the NBU on the gradual devaluation of the hryvnia starting in April, according to Bankova's plans, it is necessary to close the gap of 500...
Our source in the OP said that Western partners are against increasing spending on the armed forces and demand not to increase payments to the military. The IMF has already sent a letter...
Valentin Seredynskyi, the deputy head of the transport crime investigation department of the investigative department of the State Police in Dnipropetrovsk region, declared the right to use his wife's car — Tesla Model Y 2022...