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How 4.7 million euros ended up in the trunk of an accountant

The fight against corruption is usually associated with high-profile arrests of high-ranking officials, media scandals and demonstrative searches. However, corruption often thrives at lower levels where it can be detected...

The SBI ignores the court's decision in the case against the chief lawyer of the NBU

For four months now, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) has not implemented the court's decision in the case against Oleksandr Zyma, the chief lawyer of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). Situation...

In the "case" of Roman Hrynkevich, suspicions are being handed over to officials of the Ministry of Defense

As part of the investigation into the case of Roman Hrynkevich, which concerns the supply of substandard military uniforms for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is preparing to hand over suspicions to several...

What happened to the cash that the SBI found in Mykola Tyshchenko?

At the beginning of this week, a significant situation arose in Ukraine related to People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko, who is suspected of a serious offense. The Prosecutor General's Office and the State...

A Kyiv judge was detained for forging documents

Law enforcement agencies informed Volodymyr Serdynskyi of the suspicion of the judge of the Brovary City District Court of the Kyiv region, who, according to sources, forged documents in order to go on vacation to...


Anti -corruption bodies require confiscation of property of the Grinchyshyn family for UAH 8.5 million

The Specialized Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) has submitted to the Supreme Anti -Corruption Court ...

Celebrating March 8: church holiday, folk traditions and signs

Today is known for many celebrations, including international, ...

The head of the Zhuliani Kiev Airport fled to Spain 9 days before the full -scale invasion

9 days before the start of a full -scale invasion of the Chairman of the Council ...

MSEC Victor Vlasyuk's doctor owns 13 apartments and his boss - dozens of land plots

In Vinnitsa, another scandal broke over the officials of medical and social expert ...