At the end of April, Russian troops made a breakthrough to the northwest of Avdiyivka, advancing 3 km deep into Ukrainian positions to the village of Ocheretine. This breakthrough...
In Dnipro, law enforcement officers detained an 18-year-old boy who is suspected of murdering linguist Iryna Farion in Lviv. This was announced by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, noting that...
Tyshchenko's manipulations in court did not help, and the politician was sent under 24-hour house arrest. Despite the loss of support, Mykola Tyshchenko continued to hide behind his former ties to the authorities...
The head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, reacted to the conflict involving People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko and the former military officer in Dnipro, calling his behavior shameful. About this Yermak...
Tonight, the city of Dnipro was fired upon by Russian Iskander-K missiles launched from Crimea, the Air Force reports. Two missiles were shot down, but their debris caused significant damage. About...