The well-known Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Nikiforov, who accused the SBU of an illegal search, has been diagnosed with "Organic affective disorder, bipolar disorder of intoxication-traumatic genesis" caused by alcohol abuse. This is reported by...
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) uncovered a corruption scheme that allowed men abroad to issue foreign passports without having to register for military service in Ukraine. About...
German federal states are using unforeseen measures to force Ukrainian refugees who refuse military service to return home, reports Focus. These actions that used to remain...
The electronic version of the military registration document is now completely equivalent to the paper version, and no employee of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support can deny the legal validity of the documents,...
The editorial office of 360UA NEWS received a document containing methodological recommendations developed by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the administrative liability of conscripts...