Until the end of August, experts do not expect drastic changes in the dollar exchange rate, pointing to the absence of significant negative news for Ukraine and the end of the holiday season. Such a forecast...
The Ukrainian currency is undervalued by 49.5% compared to the actual exchange rate of UAH 41.05/dollar, according to the updated Big Mac Index for July 2024, published by The...
The growing demand for foreign currency in Ukraine has become a significant challenge for the banking system, which quickly responds to new economic conditions. In response to the increase...
Over the past month, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has made a significant increase in the dollar exchange rate, which may cause anxiety among the population and economic experts. According to the latest...
At the end of 2023, Ukraine observed a decrease in the exchange rate of the hryvnia against the dollar, which continues at the beginning of the new year. The National Bank of Ukraine has already highlighted...