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Ukrainians need to prepare for the "black winter" scenario

The "black winter" scenario, which Ukrainians were warned about last winter, will become quite real in 2024-2025, as the heating and energy infrastructure has been removed. Cities will transform...

Oligarch Rinat Akhmetov has a long-standing relationship with the Dutch banking sector

In 2022, as a result of an Investico investigation that examined annual reports, analyzed leaked documents, and interviewed former FBI agents,...

Only in February 2024, Poroshenko became richer than in the entire pre-war year of 2021

Petro Poroshenko increased his wealth by more than 250 million hryvnias in February 2024 alone. This is almost 90 million more than in...

Mobilization causes colossal economic and demographic damage

The mobilization of the Armed Forces, despite the fact that it is a measure to protect the country, causes colossal economic and demographic damage. It is not for nothing that the government passed a resolution...

The Ukrainian government will have to raise taxes

Ukraine is unlikely to receive American aid in the near future, and therefore, it will have to spend the funds budgeted for social programs on military needs. It threatens...


22% of homeless people in Ukraine are internal refugees

According to the research conducted by the charity "Depaul Ukraine", 22%...

The hard winter will be a challenge for Ukrainians during the war

With the arrival of winter, Ukrainians are preparing for new challenges that...

What does the Kyiv authorities do to ensure life during a blackout

In Kyiv, even in the worst scenarios of the winter season, the boiler room,...

The deputy of the Kyiv City Council urges Kyiv residents not to complain about communal services

Residents of the capital should come to terms with a possible decrease in the quality of communal...