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Ukraine lost military aid worth 3.87 billion euros due to disputes in the German government - BILD sources

According to information provided by the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany can no longer finance new military aid to Ukraine. The reason for this was internal disputes in the German...

The National Bank of Ukraine is preparing to lift some of the currency bans

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) plans to significantly ease currency restrictions introduced during the war. This is stated in the internal letter No. 40-0009/61174 sent to banks, in which...

A logistics hub has become operational in Transcarpathia

A new multimodal logistics hub called "Terminal Chornotysiv" was officially opened in the Berehiv region of Transcarpathia. This modern "dry port" will become an important part of the infrastructure for transshipment...

The state debt of Ukraine reached 6 trillion

As of June 30, 2024, the state and state-guaranteed debt of Ukraine reached a record level of 6.16 trillion hryvnias, which is equivalent to 152.2 billion dollars...

The EU refuses Ukrainian gas storage facilities

European companies began to refuse to use Ukrainian gas storage facilities, which creates serious economic risks for Ukraine. According to the Financial Times, the decision was dictated by the danger associated with...


Violations of human rights in Ukrainian prisons can have consequences for international relations and extradition

The British publication Daily Express published an article highlighting...

Kyiv is in the top 5 cities in the world in terms of air pollution

As of the morning of September 22, Kyiv took fifth place...

September will surprise Ukrainians with abnormal warmth

Unusually warm weather is expected in Ukraine this week,...

The deputy of the Kyiv City Council urges Kyiv residents not to complain about communal services

Residents of the capital should come to terms with a possible decrease in the quality of communal...