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The dollar exchange rate in Ukraine should be twice as low as UAH 20.7

The Ukrainian currency is undervalued by 49.5% compared to the actual exchange rate of UAH 41.05/dollar, according to the updated Big Mac Index for July 2024, published by The...

The capital shopping center Ocean Plaza and the hotel "Ukraine" are put up for sale

A new stage of "great privatization" is beginning in Ukraine, which attracts significant attention of investors and the public. As part of this process, several iconic objects are put up for sale,...

Business in Ukraine faces a shortage of workers due to mobilization

Large Ukrainian companies, in particular the Aurora retailer, have found themselves at the forefront of the fight against difficulties due to a lack of workers, which is a consequence of the war and legislative changes related to...

Boeing and Antonov will cooperate in defense projects

The American airline Boeing and the Ukrainian company "Antonov" signed a memorandum on potential cooperation in the production of drones for the military needs of Ukraine. The agreement signed within the framework of the International...

Ukrainians are actively buying cars in anticipation of the new draft law

In the last few days, a significant demand for cars has been noted in Ukraine, which was caused by the government's introduction of a draft law on the introduction of a new tax in the amount of 15%. As reported...


Kyiv is in the top 5 cities in the world in terms of air pollution

As of the morning of September 22, Kyiv took fifth place...

The hard winter will be a challenge for Ukrainians during the war

With the arrival of winter, Ukrainians are preparing for new challenges that...

Forecasters predict an unexpectedly warm October in Ukraine

October 2024 in Ukraine will be warmer than usual,...