The government of Ukraine decided to ban officials and military personnel from using the Telegram messenger on official devices. This decision was made by the National Cyber Security Coordination Center and confirmed by...
The US is unlikely to be able to provide Ukraine with significant new batches of ATACMS missiles due to limited stockpiles and the long production time of these weapons. According to CNN, the American...
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, signed a law prohibiting the activities of religious organizations connected to Russia. This law will enter into force in 30 days, and religious communities...
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 8371, which prohibits the activities of religious organizations associated with the Russian Federation. This decision was an important step in the fight against the influence of...
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a new initiative aimed at strengthening the sanctions regime against states subject to restrictions by the Ukrainian government. According to the new...