#Name day

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Day of Athanasius and Cyril: which is celebrated on January 18

On January 18, according to the new church calendar, believers honor the memory of saints Athanasius and Cyril, archbishops of Alexandria. At the same time, according to the old style, today the Eve of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated,...

Anthony's Day and Children's Inventions Day: what we celebrate on January 17

Today, January 17, is rich in historical events, church traditions and unusual holidays. This is a date that combines the memory of outstanding personalities, folk signs...

January 16: holidays, events, prohibitions and interesting facts of the day

Today's date has many significant events, both in ecclesiastical and cultural and historical contexts. Church holidays On January 16, according to a new style, Christians celebrate the day...

Vasyl, Melania and the Old New Year: holidays and traditions of the day

Today is full of traditions, holidays and historical events. This is the date when Ukrainians celebrate the Generous Evening, and the world celebrates Rubber Duck Day. Find out what...

The holiday of January 12: church holidays, omens and traditions of the day

January 12 is a day rich in events, holidays and historical dates. On this day, several important religious and secular events are celebrated in Ukraine and the world....


Weather forecast on March 4: cloudy, no precipitation, but with icing on the roads

Forecasters predict that on March 4 in Ukraine will be without ...

Started registration to participate in NMT: How to apply

The main registration period began to participate in the national multi -enthusiasm ...

Who has the right to wear pixel in Ukraine and who may be fined

In Ukraine, wearing a military form is governed by law, and far ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...