#Iryna Kormyshkina

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NABU took on the deputy of "Servants of the People" because of illegal enrichment

The National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) have reported suspicions against one of the people's deputies of Ukraine. It is about illegal enrichment and making...


Children of the elite and mobilization: what will happen to the gleb of rag?

26-year-old Gleb Razumkov, the son of a well-known Ukrainian journalist and the main ...

Warm and dry weather expected in Ukraine March 5: temperature up to +15 ° C

On Wednesday, March 5, Ukraine will survive warm and dry ...

The luxurious life of the prosecutor: as Andrey Dyachenko hides property through relatives

The prosecutor of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office Andriy Dyachenko owns expensive cars, ...

Celebrating March 8: church holiday, folk traditions and signs

Today is known for many celebrations, including international, ...