The situation surrounding Vitaly Shabunin, head of the Anti-Corruption Center, continues to develop. Currently, new details have become known in the case of his evasion from military service and...
Yesterday, a scandalous event took place in the "Rulka" restaurant in Prykarpattia, connected with an attack on journalists. Serhii Sayiv, head of the Department of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk...
Early in the morning of April 19, Nataliya Gumenyuk was removed from the position of head of the Strategic Communications Center of the Southern Defense Forces. This was reported on Facebook by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "General...
Navalny's partner Hristo Grozev stated that Ukrainian political activists simultaneously received money from Western special services and the Russian FSB. Some resources immediately announced that...
After the appointment of Ivan Fedorov to the position of the head of the Zaporizhia Regional Military Administration, Fedorov had to answer the accusations of the "surrender" of Melitopol. During the press conference on February 8...