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A police officer in Kyiv region received 9 years for a deadly accident in a state of alcohol intoxication

The court of Kyiv region issued a sentence to the head of the prevention department of one of the district police departments of the National Police in the Kiev region, which was found guilty of violation ...

A man who twice evaded mobilization was sentenced to three years

In the Khmelnytsky region, the head of the farm was sentenced to three years in prison for evasion of mobilization. The man twice evaded his duties, and ...

The conscript from Poltava region received a year of imprisonment for evasion of mobilization

In the Poltava region, a military person who was presented with a "combat" summons, refused to mobilize, explaining his decision "confusion with dates" and problems with weight. He...

The Corastyshiv gang case has been going on for half a year

In Zhytomyr, the court has been examining the case of Korostyshiv gang for half a year, whose participants are accused of a number of serious crimes, including the murder of ATO participant, rape of students, ...

In the Kyiv region, a notary assistant will be tried for forgery over 1500 documents

The assistant of the Kiev notary will be tried for an illegal certificate of more than 1500 documents on behalf of the manager, which has been abroad since 2022. According to the investigation, she ...


Started registration to participate in NMT: How to apply

The main registration period began to participate in the national multi -enthusiasm ...

Igor Kostenko is suspected of violations during the submission of the Declaration: Significant inaccuracies were found

Igor Kostenko, Deputy Head of the Lysychansk City Military Administration Igor Kostenko ...

The owners of eight apartments were fined in Lviv for replacing historical windows

Owners of apartments in the historical part of Lviv received penalties for ...

Children of the elite and mobilization: what will happen to the gleb of rag?

26-year-old Gleb Razumkov, the son of a well-known Ukrainian journalist and the main ...