#when to translate the clock

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Land Mafia in Kiev: As a Komarnitsky scheme paralyzed the city

Kyiv was in the center of a loud scandal that exposed a large -scale ...

KP “Special Zhitlofund” in the center of corruption scandal: new details about financial fraud

Special Zhitlofund Municipal Enterprise, which plays a key role in distribution ...

What are March 13: Interesting facts about this day

Today's date is related to several traditions, church holidays and ...

Super-Mama handed over to the prosecutor: the luxurious life of the Deputy Head of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office became the subject of investigation

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
The General Inspectorate of the Prosecutor General's Office started checking the deputy head of the specialized ...