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A conscript from the Cherkasy region was sentenced to three years for evading mobilization

A conscript from the Cherkasy region was sentenced to three years for evading mobilization. According to the court register, a conscript from the Cherkasy region was found guilty of evading...


Weather forecast on March 6: The temperature will reach 18 ° all over Ukraine

On March 6, it will be warm and sunny all over Ukraine ...

109 land plots and cottage for 15 million: Exnare Kormyshkin graduated from a political career

Former MP from the party "Servant of the People" Irina ...

Who has the right to wear pixel in Ukraine and who may be fined

In Ukraine, wearing a military form is governed by law, and far ...

March 6: church holiday, folk signs and prohibitions

On March 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate an important event in the church ...