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The apartment scandal surrounding General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavel Tkachuk: he illegally received several apartments from the state

As reported in the Slidstvo.info investigation, Pavlo Tkachuk, the head of the National Academy of Ground Forces, arranged for himself several apartments for free, and now lives in a luxurious estate...

The medical examiner bought 13 apartments and three Tesla cars

Recently, a journalistic investigation revealed the shocking financial success of Viktor Vlasyuk, a therapist from Vinnytsia who works in the field of medical examination. According to the media, he purchased 13...

The head of the state body is suspected of corruption crimes worth 56 million hryvnias

Ukraine was once again in the spotlight due to a high-profile corruption scandal. The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) announced an investigation into the case involving the head of one...

The scandal surrounding the real estate agency "Park Lane" and its head Vitaly Pents

Real estate agency "Park Lane" and its manager Vitaly Pents found themselves at the center of a high-profile scandal related to illegal activities in the real estate sector. According to the investigation...

During the war, Serhiy Prytula's wife bought three apartments worth 4.1 million hryvnias

The famous Ukrainian showman Serhiy Prytula and his wife Kateryna became the object of public attention after purchasing three one-room apartments in Kyiv for the amount of more than 4.1...


Anti -corruption bodies require confiscation of property of the Grinchyshyn family for UAH 8.5 million

The Specialized Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) has submitted to the Supreme Anti -Corruption Court ...

MSEC Victor Vlasyuk's doctor owns 13 apartments and his boss - dozens of land plots

In Vinnitsa, another scandal broke over the officials of medical and social expert ...

In Odessa, the military was exposed to the army release scheme for $ 12,000

In Odessa, law enforcement officers exposed a corruption scheme for which the military ...

The luxurious life of the prosecutor: as Andrey Dyachenko hides property through relatives

The prosecutor of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office Andriy Dyachenko owns expensive cars, ...