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Kyiv continues to monitor water quality due to the threat of pollution of the Desna

Contaminated water continues to move towards Kyiv, but the stain is gradually slowing down and remains under control. This was announced by the deputy mayor - secretary of the Kyiv...

NACP found a violation of UAH 2.45 million in the declaration of the former head of the patrol police of Kyiv

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP) found significant violations in the declaration of Yuriy Zozuli, the former head of the patrol police of Kyiv, in the amount of 2.45 million hryvnias....

The number of West Nile fever cases has increased sharply in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the year, 69 cases of West Nile fever have been recorded in Ukraine, of which 41 cases were confirmed in August. The most patients were found in Poltava,...

The worst situation with light this winter: Kyiv, Odesa and Kharkiv may face long blackouts

Oleksandr Kharchenko, director of the Energy Research Center, reported on possible problems with electricity supply this winter, indicating that Kyiv, Odesa and Kharkiv could become the epicenters of the largest...

Polluted water from the rivers of Chernihiv Oblast reaches the capital

In the Chernihiv Region, the Seim River and the Desna River have suffered serious pollution caused by waters from the Kursk Region of Russia, where hostilities continue. About this...


Violations of human rights in Ukrainian prisons can have consequences for international relations and extradition

The British publication Daily Express published an article highlighting...

22% of homeless people in Ukraine are internal refugees

According to the research conducted by the charity "Depaul Ukraine", 22%...

The deputy of the Kyiv City Council urges Kyiv residents not to complain about communal services

Residents of the capital should come to terms with a possible decrease in the quality of communal...

Ukrainians face long blackouts due to Russian shelling

The upcoming winter promises to be difficult for Ukraine due to massive...