In the conditions of war and mobilization, Ukraine faces serious challenges in the transport and logistics sphere. Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Serhiy Derkach announced that...
An unusual incident occurred in the resort town of Yaremche, when representatives of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center (TCC) took away the driver of a regular bus carrying 50 people...
In Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada is considering draft law No. 9016, which proposes to introduce new fines for drivers who transport animals in cars without proper...
An important incident took place in the Zaporizhzhia region, which caused strong indignation and indignation among the local population. The driver of a Toyota Hilux hit and killed a serviceman who...
The Ukrainian court made an extremely strict decision to revoke the driver's license of a citizen of the country for an extremely long period of time - more than 56 years. The decision was made on 11...