#Ministry of Defense

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New functions in the "Reserve+" application

New mechanisms will soon appear in the "Reserve+" application, which will greatly facilitate the life of conscripts in Ukraine. The head of the information management department told about this on the air of a nationwide telethon...

Ukraine supported the draft law on the creation of private military companies

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine supported the new draft law, which provides for the creation of private military companies (PMC) in Ukraine. This document, which is already registered on the government portal, opens...

Igor Hrynkevich's daughter showed off her Hermes bag

Olga Hrynkevich, the daughter of the scandalous Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevich, continues to attract the attention of the public, despite the difficult circumstances surrounding her family. In a recent post in...

In the "case" of Roman Hrynkevich, suspicions are being handed over to officials of the Ministry of Defense

As part of the investigation into the case of Roman Hrynkevich, which concerns the supply of substandard military uniforms for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is preparing to hand over suspicions to several...

The SBU detained an employee of the security department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Vitaliy Chernenko for accepting a bribe

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained Vitaly Chernenko, an employee of the security department of the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to several sources, Chernenko was detained under...


In Kyiv, traffic will not be stopped during the Minute of Silence: a response to the petition of Kyiv residents

Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko officially responded to the petition...

How dangerous are Iranian ballistic missiles transferred to Russia for Ukraine: Sky News analysis

Military analyst and vice-marshal of the British Air Force Sean Bell believes that...

NABU and SAP exposed a number of corruption schemes in the railways, where hundreds of millions were stolen in purchases

Recently NABU and SAP published the results of the investigation, as part of...

Experts advise Ukrainians to prepare for blackouts of 20 hours a day this winter

In the autumn-winter period, Ukraine may face serious problems...