The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained Vitaly Chernenko, an employee of the security department of the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to several sources, Chernenko was detained under...
According to the latest data released by the Authorized Representative of the Ministry of Defense Oleksiy Bezhevets, from 17% to 20% of all those who apply to recruiting centers for service in the Armed Forces...
The question of the adequacy of bail set for persons accused of corruption crimes is quite old. Therefore, we offer you a list of 5 officials who stole astronomical sums,...
At the beginning of the summer of 2024, a scandal erupted in Ukraine due to embezzlement in the army related to the purchase of flasks for the Armed Forces at inflated prices. By...
At the beginning of the summer of 2024, a new scandal broke out in Ukraine related to the purchase of flasks for the needs of the Armed Forces. This case was a testament to the problems...