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Mobilization is destroying the Ukrainian gene pool

Ukraine has been at war with Russian aggression for two years. Aid from allies, the USA and Europe, is decreasing every day. Arms supplies are almost completely suspended....

Demanding "martial law": Advantages and differences from martial law as analyzed by opponents of mobilization

"Until a state of war is declared, any mass mobilization is considered illegal," some citizens claim, adding: "By what right can the state mobilize the population,...

In the scandalous bill on mobilization, changes will apply to Ukrainian men who are abroad

The Profile Committee of the Verkhovna Rada continues to consider the draft law on mobilization. And he can make a decision on it in the coming days, - People's Deputy Chernev said. People's deputies admit that in the draft law...

"Increasing corruption and illegal population outflow": the Council spoke about the consequences of strict mobilization

New legislative initiatives, which provide for tougher mobilization, will provoke a new wave of illegal outflow of the population, and will also lead to the growth of unprecedented corruption, which for Ukrainian...

Maryana Bezugla published the list of proposed changes to the draft law on mobilization

After consultations with the military leadership, the parliament decided not to put the government bill on new mobilization rules to a vote and send it to the author for revision. Now...


Hidden fortune for 5 million: Odessa City Council official under criminal investigation

The National Anti -Corruption Agency (NAPC) has found large -scale ...

March 6: church holiday, folk signs and prohibitions

On March 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate an important event in the church ...

How to protect animals from ticks: Veterinarian advice

With the onset of heat, ticks are activated, which pose a serious threat ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...