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The son of an official of the TCC in Vinnytsia offered a package of documents to evaders for $20,000

The son of the head of one of the branches of the Vinnytsia United City Territorial Center for Social Protection of the Population was detained by the State Bureau of Investigation on suspicion of corruption. He...

The reform of the TCC will return human rights to society

According to lawyer Lykhachev, reforming the TCC can significantly facilitate the processes in Ukraine, in particular regarding mobilization. It proposes to transfer some functions that were previously in...

Evaders will be able to receive fines in "Diya"

According to the information published in Sudovo-yuridichnaya gazeta, fines may appear in Diya for evaders who violate administrative legislation. According to the publication, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved...

Convicts are ready to fight for the country

In connection with the growing tension in the east of Ukraine, the country's government decided to expand the mobilization process, which now includes even convicts and prisoners. This...

How to recognize illegal actions of TCC

Currently, in the conditions of general mobilization in Ukraine, the employees of the procurement centers (TCC) and military commissariats play a key role in the formation of military formations for the defense of the country....


Violations of human rights in Ukrainian prisons can have consequences for international relations and extradition

The British publication Daily Express published an article highlighting...

Norway stops automatically granting asylum to Ukrainians

Norway, one of the countries that actively supported Ukrainians, is forced...

Ukrainians face long blackouts due to Russian shelling

The upcoming winter promises to be difficult for Ukraine due to massive...

What to watch on Sunday evening

If you are looking for ways to immerse yourself in the mysterious world of magic...