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The TCC has determined when postal orders will be considered delivered

After the completion of the 60-day period set aside for the clarification of credentials, summonses may be sent by registered mail to Ukrainians who are subject to mobilization. Signature on receipt of such a letter...

Prisoners refuse to serve in the Armed Forces for fear of being sent to the hottest areas of the front

Our source in the General Staff said that the information about the mass consent of prisoners to serve in the Armed Forces is not true. Currently, most prisoners ignore such an option,...

The third separate assault brigade is campaigning for prisoners to join the Armed Forces

The third separate assault brigade conducts agitation among prisoners to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This move became part of a strategy to attract new recruits to...

Ukrainian truck drivers who avoided returning home after crossing the border are planned to be equated with kidnappers

The Association of International Truck Carriers in Ukraine drew attention to the problem of Ukrainian truckers who, after crossing the border, do not return home, leaving their vans to avoid the draft...

The deputy proposes to extend the period for updating the data of conscripts from 60 to 150 days

Verkhovna Rada deputy Volodymyr Aryev, representative of the "European Solidarity" party, reported on the initiative to extend the deadline for updating the data of conscripts. The corresponding draft law provides for an extension of the term from...


Norway stops automatically granting asylum to Ukrainians

Norway, one of the countries that actively supported Ukrainians, is forced...

22% of homeless people in Ukraine are internal refugees

According to the research conducted by the charity "Depaul Ukraine", 22%...

Forecasters predict an unexpectedly warm October in Ukraine

October 2024 in Ukraine will be warmer than usual,...

Alina Alekseeva: "TikTok does more damage than Telegram" in the fight against disinformation

In a world where information spreads quickly, social media platforms…