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The military needs strict regulations in the draft law on mobilization

Our source in the OP said that Syrskyi insists on strict regulations in the draft law on mobilization in order to be able to quickly replenish the reserves of the Armed Forces. In the General Staff...

The Verkhovna Rada will consider the bill on strengthening mobilization in the second reading by the end of March, predicts the member of the defense committee Fedir Venislavskyi

According to his assessment, under an optimistic scenario, the committee will finish with the submitted amendments by March 10-15, under a pessimistic scenario, by March 20. More than 4 thousand were submitted...

Demographic catastrophe in Ukraine, is it only a matter of mobilization?

In recent days, the discussion regarding the issue of mobilization in Ukraine has resumed, especially in connection with the decrease in the age of mobilized persons. According to The New York...

Oleksiy Trytenko spoke about his mobilization to the Armed Forces and revealed his military rank for the first time

Ukrainian theater and film actor Oleksiy Trytenko revealed a secret about his life, saying that on February 24, 2022, he joined the Armed Forces...

Ex-commander of the "Aidara" company Yevhen Dykiy stated that in the bill on mobilization it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for evasion of service and military registration

Ex-commander of the "Aidar" company Yevhen Dykiy in an interview with Channel 24 said that in the updated bill on mobilization it is necessary to strengthen responsibility for evasion of service and...


22% of homeless people in Ukraine are internal refugees

According to the research conducted by the charity "Depaul Ukraine", 22%...

Alina Alekseeva: "TikTok does more damage than Telegram" in the fight against disinformation

In a world where information spreads quickly, social media platforms…

September will surprise Ukrainians with abnormal warmth

Unusually warm weather is expected in Ukraine this week,...