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Conclusions on the draft law on mobilization from Ukrainian public figure and military Oleg Simoroz

Ukrainian public figure and military officer Oleg Simoroz, after analyzing the draft law on mobilization, adopted by the Council in the first reading, came to the conclusion that most of the proposals in the document -...

From electronic summonses to a military ticket in the Diya application

Our sources said that Fedorov participated in the development of the digital component of the draft law on mobilization. He made proposals regarding the use of databases of the State Register of Deeds Service...

Strengthening of mobilization adopted by the Council in the first reading: Ombudsman expressed concern about unconstitutional aspects

Today, February 7, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft law on strengthening mobilization. The vote provoked lively discussions among political colleagues and the public. For government...

Conclusions of the Main Scientific and Expert Department of the VRU (GNEU) regarding the government draft law on mobilization

Innovation about "measures of influence" (restriction of the right to drive vehicles, seizure of accounts and valuables) is "compulsion of a person by the state." The Council's lawyers write that with this innovation...

Dmytro Razumkov spoke about the bill on mobilization

The epic with the adoption of the draft law on mobilization continues, ex-speaker of the Rada, People's Deputy Dmytro Razumkov writes in his blog on "UP". "After the government withdrew the shameful...


September will surprise Ukrainians with abnormal warmth

Unusually warm weather is expected in Ukraine this week,...

Violations of human rights in Ukrainian prisons can have consequences for international relations and extradition

The British publication Daily Express published an article highlighting...

The hard winter will be a challenge for Ukrainians during the war

With the arrival of winter, Ukrainians are preparing for new challenges that...