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The heads of the Boxing Federation Ilchenko and Manchak bought themselves "armor" against mobilization

According to the information provided by the mass media, the vice-presidents of the Boxing Federation of Ukraine, Oleh Ilchenko, who currently acts as the president, and Oleksandr Manchak, were declared unfit for...

The Cabinet of Ministers did not specify the reasons for refusing to grant a postponement

Government Resolution No. 560, which regulates the issue of deferment from military service, caused numerous discussions and criticism due to the lack of specific grounds for refusal. This creates...

The economic reservation model has not yielded results in any country in the world

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada expressed doubts about the executive effectiveness of economic reservation from mobilization, claiming that such measures have not proven their effectiveness in any country in the world....

Ukrainians actively update their military registration data

Ukrainian citizens actively use the "Rezerv+" application to update their data, as confirmed by the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Dmytro Lazutkin. About a million Ukrainians have already updated their military records...

A mobilized soldier died tragically in Transcarpathia

On May 23, a mobilized soldier, who was previously recognized as fit for service according to the results of the Military Medical Commission (MMC), tragically died in Zakarpattia Oblast. The regional military commissar reported that after a sharp...


Igor Kostenko is suspected of violations during the submission of the Declaration: Significant inaccuracies were found

Igor Kostenko, Deputy Head of the Lysychansk City Military Administration Igor Kostenko ...

The head of the Zhuliani Kiev Airport fled to Spain 9 days before the full -scale invasion

9 days before the start of a full -scale invasion of the Chairman of the Council ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...

Spring heat in Ukraine: weather forecast on March 8

On Saturday, March 8, solar and ... are expected in Ukraine and ...