In Germany, a couple suspected of murdering Ukrainian Margarita Razaz and abducting her child may have pre-planned crimes. Initially, the media reported on the arrest of two...
In the western part of Germany, in the small town of Hockenheim, a shocking murder of a 27-year-old Ukrainian woman took place. Her body was discovered on March 7. On March 13, investigators reported that...
Not far from the German city of Hockenheim, the body of a 27-year-old Ukrainian refugee who was killed was found on the dam of the Rhine River. Now law enforcement agencies are actively looking for the mother and...
An official source in the Office of the President reported that the disclosure of national confidential information by the German military is considered an act of sabotage against Ukraine. It is noted that some persons...
This is written by the American publication Business Insider. The author, military observer Michael Peck, believes that Ukraine has chosen a strategy that echoes the German approach of 80 years ago. "After the failure...