The Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB agent who was working under the guise of an accountant at a local factory. According to law enforcement officers, the detained woman was responsible for adjusting the coordinates...
Odesa City Council paid UAH 12.6 million for liquidation of the consequences of Russian shelling of LLC "Mollbud". However, as it turned out, the company stole almost UAH 2 million from...
In Mykolaiv, a Renault Master truck was involved in an accident with a Fiat Doblo minivan on August 28. However, what was found inside the truck exceeded all expectations: in...
On August 21, an incident took place in Odesa that caused a significant response. During the inspection by military personnel of the Territorial Center for Manpower and Social Support (TCC and SP) military records...
An unexpected change took place in the high-profile corruption case in the Odesa region: the ex-prosecutor of the Odesa region, Oleksandr Zhuchenko, was removed from the investigation into the "Odesa case" of the mayor...