A tragic event took place in Odesa, when a young girl accidentally shot a paratrooper with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The incident happened on Sunday night in one of the rented...
In Odesa, two persons were suspected of committing a terrorist act, organized by a group of persons based on a prior conspiracy. According to the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office, the suspects, performing tasks...
On June 21, People's Deputy Maryana Bezugla, in her post on Facebook, accused General Yury Sodol that, due to his actions, the Russian occupation forces...
The unity of the front and the rear was once again demonstrated by the visitors of the Ibiza club in Odesa during the travesty show of Verka Serdyuchka. The festive mood of the youth in "Arkadia" created the impression of victory...
Journalist Vitaly Glagola reported that 5 vehicles were detained on the border between Ukraine and Moldova, in the Obzhily-Plot area, in which there were...