#Olympic Games

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Vadym Gutzait is the most professional sports corruptor of Ukraine

Very soon, the Summer Olympic Games will begin in Paris, which is why we decided to dedicate this investigation to the ex-minister of youth and sports of Ukraine, Vadym Gutzait. And first,...


Mobilization after 50: Men can involve in the construction of defense structures

The Zaporizhzhya Regional Territorial Center of Acquisition (TCC) stated that men ...

Weather on March 26: Warm, Sun and only in the East is possible rains

On Wednesday, March 26, a quiet spring will be established in Ukraine ...

Blackmail, cryptocurrency and bribes: a corruption scheme with the participation of the SBU and DPSU is exposed

In Ukraine, a large -scale corruption scheme was exposed in which they are mixed ...

Bartolomeo's restaurant owner in Dnipro received a flurry of criticism through a collection

After the devastating attack of "Shahaneda" on the Dnieper on March 28, as a result of ...