In early July 2024, Russian forces focused their efforts on an attempt to encircle Ukrainian positions northwest of Donetsk. According to the analysts of the Institute...
Fighting near the village of Progres in eastern Ukraine has reached a critical point, with hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers surrounded after Russian motorized rifle regiments broke through...
Potentially hundreds of Ukrainian servicemen were surrounded near the village of Progress in eastern Ukraine. Currently, there is no withdrawal order, reports the Ukrainian analytical group Deep State....
The situation in Toretsk, a city in eastern Ukraine, is becoming increasingly tense due to a possible offensive by the occupation forces, which have partially surrounded the city. Military expert and instructor pilot...
Expert Oleksandr Musienko stated that Russia, intensifying its offensive operations in the Kharkiv region, seeks to semi-surround the city of Kharkiv and put the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in front of...