#warning about danger

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Weather in Ukraine March 16: Rain in the east, heat in the south

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
Today, Ukraine is under the influence of heterogeneous weather conditions: in ...

Last day of heat before cold: weather forecast on March 14

Ostannij den Tepla perced pocholodannyam Prognoz Pogody Na 14 Bereznya
Before the weekend in Ukraine will continue moderate warming in the southern ...

Weather in Ukraine March 17: Wet snow, rains and ice

Pogoda v ukrayini 16 Bereznya doshhhi na shodi teplo na pivdni
In Ukraine, March 17 is expected cloudy weather with clarification ....

Military logist organized a large -scale theft of fuel

The State Bureau of Investigation exposed a fuel theft scheme in the conditions ...