On the evening of January 14, Ukrainian mass media and Telegram channels, citing their own sources, spread the information that a Russian A-50 early detection aircraft was shot down...
At the beginning of the month, our source in the General Staff said that the air defense is overloaded and does not have time to change positions, due to the tactics of the enemy with daily strikes. Currently, the efficiency at...
Early this morning, Russia launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine, using Dagger aeroballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other means. The attack triggered the launch of ballistic missiles...
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, announced the holding of a meeting of the Headquarters, which discussed the issue of providing the front with shells and drones. The event was attended by the commanders of the main directions...
According to The New York Times, sources in the White House and the Pentagon reported that the United States may have a problem with supplying missiles to Ukraine for...