The Security Service of Ukraine detained a former official of the Kupyan City Council who, after the occupation of the community, voluntarily joined the local occupation administration of Russia. According to the SBU...
According to Hromadsky's journalistic investigation, Roman Kravets is the administrator of the notorious Joker Telegram channel and a member of the Servant of the People party. Kravets was born in 1994 in Kherson, obtained...
The Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB agent who was working under the guise of an accountant at a local factory. According to law enforcement officers, the detained woman was responsible for adjusting the coordinates...
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) together with the National Police conducted successful special operations in the Poltava and Transcarpathian regions, as a result of which two bot farms were neutralized, which...
An agent network of the elite unit of the FSB of the Russian Federation - the Department of Counterintelligence Operations was exposed in Kyiv. According to the Office of the Prosecutor General and the SBU, the enemy cell consisted of...