#Servant of the people

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Wartime enrichment became a habit for the Servants of the People

In Sumy Oblast, detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) reported suspicion to a deputy from the Servant of the People, who is a member of the parliamentary committee...

The "Servant of the People" is discussing the mobilization of those who are not yet 25

People's deputy from the "Servant of the People" faction, Fedir Venislavskyi, announced the intention of the parliament to resolve the issue of the mobilization of conscripts who have not yet reached the age of 25. It...

Vadym Slyusarev, sponsor of "Servant of the People", bought real estate in Nice with a partner who does business in occupied Crimea

The recently published investigation of the Bihus.Info portal caused a significant resonance in Ukrainian society. According to information, Vadym Slyusarev, who has ties to the Servant of the People party and is...

Who attacks the "Joker"? Who did Roman Kravets get in the way of?

Bankova's monopoly in Ukraine on violence, truth, army, corruption and justice extends to anonymity. Following the trends, the politicians sitting on the Pechersk hills, having redistributed...

The scandalous People's Deputy Tretyakov this time proposes to raise the salaries of assistants to people's deputies

To date, a noisy situation has arisen in Ukraine surrounding the initiative of the odious People's Deputy Tretyakova, who came forward with a proposal to raise the salaries of deputies' assistants. This caused...


The most favorite holidays of Ukrainians are research

Despite difficult times, traditional religious holidays - Christmas and ...

Weather forecast on March 6: The temperature will reach 18 ° all over Ukraine

On March 6, it will be warm and sunny all over Ukraine ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...

Spring heat in Ukraine: weather forecast on March 8

On Saturday, March 8, solar and ... are expected in Ukraine and ...