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In Cherkasy region, a man is suspected of shooting his ex-wife at work

In Cherkasy, a 54-year-old man is suspected of committing hooliganism with the use of a traumatic weapon. As reported in the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office, the incident happened at the place of work...

Lawyers who falsified court decisions to embezzle millions will be tried

The Prosecutor General's Office sent an indictment to the court against two lawyers and a private executor. They are accused of using forged documents, abuse of authority and theft...

Poltava-style wars: a pensioner ordered her neighbor's eyes to be gouged out

In Poltava, 62-year-old pensioner Maryna Novikova decided to take revenge on her neighbor for long conflicts, but her methods are shocking. A woman turned to an acquaintance with a request to find...

Aman Molamov, a figurehead in the NABU case on a million-dollar bribe, continues to disrupt the work of street fairs in Kyiv

The ex-head of KP "Miskyi Magazin" Aman Molamov, despite the high-profile criminal case of NABU, continues to crush the work of street fairs in Kyiv. We are talking about turnover in...

People's deputy was charged with treason

The People's Deputy of Ukraine was informed of suspicion of treason for spreading narratives of the aggressor state and promoting subversive activities against Ukraine. The suspect was brought forward for procedural...


MSEC Victor Vlasyuk's doctor owns 13 apartments and his boss - dozens of land plots

In Vinnitsa, another scandal broke over the officials of medical and social expert ...

New Acting Mikhail Teryokhin, Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Receives a significant pension

The newly appointed Acting The Chief of Zhytomyr Customs Mikhail Teryokhin receives a significant ...

The scandalous release of the Khmelnytskyi prosecutor's office: Alexei Oliynyk received 710 thousand UAH “on the track”

Kolishnyi prosecutor of Khmelnytsky region Alexey Oliynyk got into the next ...

The luxurious life of the prosecutor: as Andrey Dyachenko hides property through relatives

The prosecutor of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office Andriy Dyachenko owns expensive cars, ...