For more than two years, Ukraine has been forced to resist Russia's aggression on its territory, but the question of having a clear strategy for ending the war remains relevant. According to...
Ukrainian forces are implementing a new strategy, stepping up strikes against Russian air defenses ahead of the expected arrival of US F-16 fighter jets. According to information from BILD, this decision is aimed...
Ukraine may be defeated by Russia in 2024, according to the former commander of the Joint Forces of Great Britain Richard Barrons. Defeat, according to him, will not lie in...
Human rights activists have developed a "Strategy for the release of civilians" aimed at the fastest possible return of Ukrainian civilians illegally detained by Russia. The Russian Federation is illegally holding more than seven thousand civilians in...
At a time when Ukraine is on the front lines of geopolitical and military conflicts, every tangible aid from allies becomes precious. In this difficult struggle for freedom...