Today's date, February 5, is rich in events, holidays and traditions both in Ukraine and in the world. This day is celebrated church, professional and even ...
Today, February 3, the world celebrates the International Day of the Golden Retriever, and the believers honor the memory of the saints of Simeon of Bogovlod and Anna Prophet. Also before the New Year ...
Bathing in the Epiphany remains one of the most popular traditions in Ukraine. Every year, January 19, thousands of people across the country are immersed in icy water, ...
Ukrainians will traditionally celebrate Epiphany on January 6. In order to ensure safety during the celebrations, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine will deploy more than 140 rescue posts...
Draft law No. 12336, which proposes to establish a National Day of Prayer in Ukraine, has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada. This day is planned to be celebrated annually on February 24, on the anniversary of...