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More than 30,000 Hasidim came to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Uman once again became a center of pilgrimage for the Hasidic, as more than 30,000 pilgrims arrived in the city to celebrate the Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah. However,...

We celebrate and talk about the Day of Ukrainian Cinema

On September 14, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Cinema Every year on the second Saturday of September, September 14, 2024, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Cinema. This holiday was established...

We will celebrate Easter on May 5

"So this year Easter will be in a new way, or still in the old way?" - two women are talking to each other near the church in Lviv, where they have already moved to a new...

Sobornosty Day in Ukraine: celebration and its historical significance

Today, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Sobornost, which falls on January 22. This holiday is connected with the proclamation of the Act of Unification of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's...

Feast of the Annunciation in 2024: date according to the new calendar, history and traditions

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of the greatest Christian holidays, has a special meaning for both Catholics and Orthodox. This holiday is celebrated on March 25 for...


The luxurious life of the prosecutor: as Andrey Dyachenko hides property through relatives

The prosecutor of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office Andriy Dyachenko owns expensive cars, ...

March 6: church holiday, folk signs and prohibitions

On March 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate an important event in the church ...

How to protect animals from ticks: Veterinarian advice

With the onset of heat, ticks are activated, which pose a serious threat ...

The head of the Zhuliani Kiev Airport fled to Spain 9 days before the full -scale invasion

9 days before the start of a full -scale invasion of the Chairman of the Council ...