The situation on the Eastern Front has significantly worsened in recent days, the Russians are achieving "tactical success" in a number of directions, said the head of the Syrskyi. "This is primarily due to the significant activation of offensive...
The Armed Forces plan to go on the offensive after the end of the Russian campaign, said head Sirskyi. "Our goal is to prevent the loss of our territory, to exhaust the enemy as much as possible,...
The State Department urged Ukraine not to hide the real situation on the battlefield and to reveal the "harsh truth", writes Politico. Head of the US Center for Global Engagement at the State Department...
In Ukraine, the construction of defense structures has been significantly accelerated, which is aimed at strengthening the front line in several directions. According to the report of the military intelligence of Great Britain, new fortifications...
The publication writes that the Armed Forces lacks personnel, and those soldiers who are currently fighting are tired of battles and difficult service conditions. The wife of one...