#Electricity tariff

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The tariff for electricity in Ukraine will be increased: how will it affect payments

The tariff for electricity in Ukraine may be increased already in June, increasing from 2.64 to 3.5 hryvnias per kWh. The final decision on the pricing policy...


109 land plots and cottage for 15 million: Exnare Kormyshkin graduated from a political career

Former MP from the party "Servant of the People" Irina ...

Forecast on March 6: wind and heat, in places up to +18 ° C

On March 6, warm but windy weather is expected in Ukraine ....

Weather forecast on March 6: The temperature will reach 18 ° all over Ukraine

On March 6, it will be warm and sunny all over Ukraine ...

Spring warmth and sunny sky: weather forecast in Ukraine on March 7

Today, Ukrainians will be able to enjoy real spring warmth and sunny ...