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Citizens of Moldova are detained at the border and sent to the TCC

Our sources report that many "citizens of other countries", in particular citizens of Moldova, who had Ukrainian passports and worked in the Odesa region of Ukraine, began en masse...

Men detained at the border, who are wanted by military commissars, will be sent to the TCC

In the Chernivtsi region, men detained at the border who try to cross the state border illegally will be sent immediately to the territorial recruitment and social support centers (TCC) if...

Updating data through "Rezerv+" does not guarantee the avoidance of delivery to VLK

Although more than 700,000 men have updated their data through the "Rezerv+" application, or TsNAP, their rights and freedoms remain unchanged. Employees of territorial picking centers and...

Unknown persons threw explosives into the yard of an employee of the TCC in Cherkasy region

In the village of Katerynopil, Cherkasy region, an incident occurred on May 30, when unknown persons threw an explosive device into the yard of the house of a sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who works...

A minibus burned down in Kremenchuk, maybe it is connected to the TCC

A minibus caught fire in the city of Kremenchuk. Currently, there are various versions and speculations regarding the causes of the fire and the possible connection of the bus with the TCC (territorial picking center). By...


Ukrainians face long blackouts due to Russian shelling

The upcoming winter promises to be difficult for Ukraine due to massive...

What does the Kyiv authorities do to ensure life during a blackout

In Kyiv, even in the worst scenarios of the winter season, the boiler room,...

Alina Alekseeva: "TikTok does more damage than Telegram" in the fight against disinformation

In a world where information spreads quickly, social media platforms…