In Transcarpathia, a drama is unfolding surrounding the disappearance of 20-year-old student Oleksandr Hashevskyi, which caused a significant public outcry. A young man who recently returned from a holiday in the mountains...
If you discover inconsistencies between the information on your paper and electronic military ID, it is important to correct these errors as soon as possible. This is reported by lawyer Dmytro...
The Odesa Regional Territorial Center for Staffing and Social Support (TCC and SP) provided clarification on the mobilization of men under the age of 25. In social networks, there are often...
The deputy head of the defense committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Maryana Bezugla reported that the staff of Territorial Procurement Centers (TCC) is almost one hundred thousand people. She criticized statements about...
In the Ternopil region, law enforcement officers exposed a large-scale corruption scheme in one of the territorial recruitment and social support centers (TCC). According to the National Police, employees of this...