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The military needs strict regulations in the draft law on mobilization

Our source in the OP said that Syrskyi insists on strict regulations in the draft law on mobilization in order to be able to quickly replenish the reserves of the Armed Forces. In the General Staff...

In Buchach, Ternopil Oblast, a 49-year-old resident of Chortkiv district died, who was taken unconscious to the hospital from the territory of the local TCC

A 49-year-old man died in the city of Buchach in the Ternopil region after a few days of stay in the TCC. He had epilepsy, and his body had bruises and...

How the TCC commits fraud when receiving a deferral

In times of war, the right to deferment from service is granted to several categories of citizens, but getting a deferment from mobilization is not so easy. Even with all the necessary...

Conscripts may be served summonses in any public place

During martial law and general mobilization, summonses can be served to conscripts in virtually any public place. In addition, the document can be brought home, because the law...

What you need to know when passing the military medical commission

Lawyer Roman Simutin told how to pass the military medical board correctly. "For example, you arrived at the TCC and you are sent to see doctors. And those, without even raising their heads,...


What does the Kyiv authorities do to ensure life during a blackout

In Kyiv, even in the worst scenarios of the winter season, the boiler room,...

Violations of human rights in Ukrainian prisons can have consequences for international relations and extradition

The British publication Daily Express published an article highlighting...

22% of homeless people in Ukraine are internal refugees

According to the research conducted by the charity "Depaul Ukraine", 22%...

September will surprise Ukrainians with abnormal warmth

Unusually warm weather is expected in Ukraine this week,...