Our sources said that in the SBI, work is conducted exclusively only on the most high-profile cases, thereby causing concern about the effectiveness of the fight against corruption in...
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is working to ensure that the TCC has the ability to send referrals to the military medical commission electronically through the Reserve+ application. This was stated by the deputy...
In Lutsk, there was an attack on TCC employees with the use of a gas canister, which became the object of an investigation by law enforcement agencies. The incident happened in the morning of June 21 and already...
On May 18, the new law on mobilization entered into force. Ukrainians of conscription age must update their data at the TCC, which can be done either at the military commissariat itself,...
The son of the head of one of the branches of the Vinnytsia United City Territorial Center for Social Protection of the Population was detained by the State Bureau of Investigation on suspicion of corruption. He...